Northside Hospital FL problems

Where failure to care has the potential to maim--and more.

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Location: Tampa Bay, Florida, United States

I am a freelance writer with a BA in Mass Communications from the University of South Florida St. Petersburg. Please check out my production site: and e-portfolio at A few of my favorite quotes are: "...Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable" (Finley Peter Dunne); "Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living" (Mother Jones); "The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing" (Albert Einstein). Some things inspire me: people who strive to make a positive difference; sunrise or sunset--especially at the beach. Some things that make me angry: those who can't be bothered to do what's right; the fact that the medical and legal system frequently looks at people's finances before deciding whether or not that person should have access to their services...I could go on...

Monday, June 18, 2007

Gettin' good, folks...

Well, I've got a phone conference tomorrow with another lawyer. What, exactly, does this mean? There are now three--count 'em, three--lawyers on the case. Fine by me. This is one of those times when I love decent lawyers, especially when they're just a little bit outraged at a hospital's horrible mistreatment.

In response to Loretta's comment (in Un-flippin'-believable), I have yet to hear from the hospital directly. They've been trying to stall the main attorney(s) on the case by not wanting to give up his records.

As far as your husband's stay in N.side: Best care, huh? I guess next the woman who contacted you from the hospital will try telling you that both the Pope and the Dali Lama are Jewish...

My sarcasm is not directed at you; I've seen the way that hospital treats its patients. When my husband was lying on the pavement right outside the front door (after discharge and while we were waiting for EMS to come help him), the charge nurse informed us that she didn't need to help; as she put it, "Everyone is where they're supposed to be." (I wonder if that included my husband...lying on the pavement because of their screw-ups!)

I, too, have often wondered where the CEO and other big-wigs from Deathside send their loved ones when they're sick; if it's to that very same hospital, do they make sure, loud and clear, who their loved ones are related to so that they get decent care?

Not to worry, Loretta: I'm still going after and my THREE LAWYERS!!!

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