Northside Hospital FL problems

Where failure to care has the potential to maim--and more.

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Location: Tampa Bay, Florida, United States

I am a freelance writer with a BA in Mass Communications from the University of South Florida St. Petersburg. Please check out my production site: and e-portfolio at A few of my favorite quotes are: "...Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable" (Finley Peter Dunne); "Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living" (Mother Jones); "The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing" (Albert Einstein). Some things inspire me: people who strive to make a positive difference; sunrise or sunset--especially at the beach. Some things that make me angry: those who can't be bothered to do what's right; the fact that the medical and legal system frequently looks at people's finances before deciding whether or not that person should have access to their services...I could go on...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

We settled

Today is the 4th anniversary of Paul's death. Here is what I can report: We have settled with Northside Hospital for an undisclosed amount of money.

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Blogger Edward Ringwald said...

I am glad you settled with Northside Hospital.

Please keep this blog going - I feel your experiences will alert others to the dangers of anyone being taken to Northside Hospital, even if the paramedic tells you the "closest hospital" story.

On a personal note, it has been ten years this past March since I lost my mother at Northside after three weeks on 14 March 2000. I think I told you the details on another blog entry of yours, but in summary my mother had a heart attack and paramedics insisted on her going to Northside where she had no doctors there. The ER admissions staff was very rude and demeaning to me and instead of my mother going from ER to ICU, she went from ER to a regular room. Then it all happened: Her condition escalated and she eventually ended up in Northside's ICU.

When my mother had the first heart attack in October 1999, she went to St. Anthony's Hospital where her doctors were. St. Anthony's took my mother into the ER to stabilize her, then it was straight to ICU where 24-hour monitoring is the rule. After all, in a heart attack seconds count as prompt treatment is essential. Besides, the ER admissions staff at St. Anthony's was caring and responsive compared to the rude and discourteous ER admitting staff at Northside.

Today, where I live is scaring me. If in the event I had an emergency medical condition that required closest hospital, I would end up at Northside. Unfortunately, the real estate market is not doing too good at this point; otherwise, I would consider moving elsewhere where at least Northside would not be considered as closest hospital in case of a medical emergency.

Again, I am glad you have settled with Northside Hospital. As I mentioned previously please keep this blog going - perhaps you can feature horror stories of other persons who have been taken to Northside only to find out that something got worser instead of better. Keep up the good work!

4:32 PM  
Blogger m.i.goff said...

Way to go. I knew you could do it.

7:01 PM  
Blogger feminist writer - Robin Shwedo said...

Thanks, guys!

4:59 PM  
Blogger jeremy said...

You are a string person. I admire you.


8:01 AM  
Blogger feminist writer - Robin Shwedo said...

Thanks. :)

9:28 AM  

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