Laywers, the Times, and writing...
Secondly, I've been contacted by several reporters from the St. Petersburg (FL) Times. Very interested in a story. (Thank you, too!)
Third: I started back to school last fall (local University). Writing major (professional/technical writing; planning to switch back to Journalism). This semester, I'm taking an Expository Writing class. The students were instructed to pick three subjects we were passionate about; mine were the environment, homelessness, and healthcare. We were then told to break each down into three subtopics; from there, we were to pick one of the nine subtopics to write our paper about. It is to be well-thought-out, well-researched, well-documented, and should be written with an eye to being published on the national level (read: Time Magazine, NYTimes, St. Pete Times, et al).
My Expository Paper is going to be on For-Profit Hospitals Vs. Patient Care: How the Bottom Line Affects Patient Care. Yes, I already have a stack of books for my paper (14, and that's just a start). I've googled articles on the matter, and found plenty. The articles that I'll be using come from a variety of reputable sources, including medical journals, business magazines, etc. I already have quite a lot of sources showing facts and figures on how the profit line has the ability to hurt patients. (The floors at Northside were horribly understaffed. Heck, if you can get by paying for only 2 RNs on a floor per shift as opposed to 4, what a savings! But at what cost? I wonder where the CEOs from some of the HCA hospitals send their loved ones when they're sick?)
My point is that when a person goes to a hospital when they're sick, they should be assured that they will be given a fighting chance for survival. Nobody should be exposed to substandard medical care that could cost them their life.
Labels: For-Profit hospitals vs. patient care, Northside Hospital (Tampa Bay)
my mom went to nrthside's ER on 6/21/06 and was sent home. I woke up on6/22/06 to find her gone. Obviously there is more details. please contact me @
There's TONS more and not just this hospital. The St Pete Times has your link wrong by a blank which I commented on. I also blog-rolled you. Keep moving forward. Good show.
Oh, and very very sorry for the loss of your beloved husband.
Don't let anyone tell you that what you are doing is striking out in anger. You are striking out for justice.
Sometimes it's going to get even lonelier .... good luck.
the above was me /// sorry working on another blog ... wanted to get you rolled....
Sorry to hear about your loss. I've been there and know from my own accounts just how bad the place is. When my wife was there, I had to fight to get the YUK cleaned up in her room. The hospital was so dirty from one end to the other. The moral of the staff was so bad. Just sit where the staff eat lunch and listen the the conversations. Even a doctor made a comment when I was there in an elevator. I complained all the way to the administrator which sent housekeeping in to clean. I challenged her and some of her staff to come with me to Morton Plant in Clearwater to see what a very clean hospital looks like. As expected, she declined. I will not ever return there because it's so bad. Notice to EMT responders: Do not bring me here unless I have expired and even then, just dump in the ditch before leaving me there.
My mom suffered a stroke in October 2005. Paramedics said that Northside Hospital was the best for stroke victims. (three hospitals were closer) I'd love the opportunity to share my Northside Hosp. horror story with you and your attorneys. I have Northside employee names, titles, and exact dates. Feel free to contact me for specific details.
My mom suffered a stroke in October 2005. Paramedics said that Northside Hospital was the best for stroke victims. (three hospitals were closer) I'd love the opportunity to share my Northside Hosp. horror story with you and your attorneys. I have Northside employee names, titles, and exact dates. Feel free to contact me for specific details.
I am so sorry for you. I lost my husband too. He walked into Northside for a bypass on his leg. Everything in the world that could happen to him did. I contacted some lawyers but they were not interested. I so wanted Northside to pay for what they did to him, some how, some way. I contacted AHCA and received a letter saying Northside failed to provide appropriate nursing care/service and medication, and that they were cited. I was so happy - I called to see what punishment they would get and was told they had to write a Plan of Corrections. I was so disappointed.
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