Northside Hospital FL problems

Where failure to care has the potential to maim--and more.

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Location: Tampa Bay, Florida, United States

I am a freelance writer with a BA in Mass Communications from the University of South Florida St. Petersburg. Please check out my production site: and e-portfolio at A few of my favorite quotes are: "...Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable" (Finley Peter Dunne); "Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living" (Mother Jones); "The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing" (Albert Einstein). Some things inspire me: people who strive to make a positive difference; sunrise or sunset--especially at the beach. Some things that make me angry: those who can't be bothered to do what's right; the fact that the medical and legal system frequently looks at people's finances before deciding whether or not that person should have access to their services...I could go on...

Friday, January 12, 2007

Another dissatisfied patient

If you've read through this blog thus far, you may have noticed the list of patients who've mentioned problems with Northside Hospital thus far. (Note December 19, 2007's posting.) This, along with the mention by one of the comments (listed under the first posting) by an RN who brought her ex-husband home rather than subject him to one of the "non-critical" (ie, ICU, CCU, et al) floors, is just a small fraction of Northside's former patients who are unhappy with their care (or lack thereof) recieved at Northside, I'm sure.

One of the patients mentioned in December 19's post now has my attorney's name, phone number, and email address, as well as the phone number for the Agency for Healthcare Administration. He is planning on filing suit, also.

I'm sure that if enough people complain and/or raise a stink over the treatment of this hospital, someone has got to listen.

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Blogger ol14 said...

I just read the article in the Neighborhood Times on this date March 18, 2007. I realize this has been some ago but my father past away in 1983 at Northside Hospital when it was Hubert Rutland Hospital. He was diagonised with water in the lungs, They tied my father to his bed, I had to feed him on seversl occasions, not any staff assisted while I was there almost everyday. I have lived with this in my mind forever. If this hospital wants to know how to take care of their patients go to Palms of Pasadena and Ed White Hospitals where I just got out of spinal surgery with the "Best of Care". I have always advised anyone that I have known "Never got to Northside"

9:12 AM  
Blogger Joanner said...

You can go through the corridors of Northside Hospital and you will see posters boasting that they are "One of America's Top Hospitals." When relatives and myself were discussing this, one said "they don't care how dirty the floors are, how bad the nursing can be, they care about outcomes, whether the patient gets discharged or transfered out alive. That's how they determine a top hospital."

8:32 AM  
Blogger Allison said...

In August of 2001, I went to the ER at Northside Hospital after several days of being dizzy, having shortness of breath, vomitng and having pain in my stomach and legs. I was told by the ER doctor that I had a pinched nerve without any exam and by blood work that I was dehydrated. I was given IV fluid and sent home. The next day I stopped breathing and my oldest son,then 9 years old, called 911. I was taken by ambulance to St Petersburg General. The same doctor that treated me at Northside was at St. Pete General. My husband, then boyfriend yelled at the doctor and the ER had to have another doctor come in to treat me. Long story short, I was diagnosed with blood clots in both of my legs, abdomen and my lung(PE). I was admitted and stayed at St Pete General for almost a week in the Pulmonary Care Unit. I was 31 at the time. Ever since that visit to Northside, I refer to Northside as Deathside. It may not be very professional or even nice of me to say that but making quick diagnosis errors that can cost a life is inexcusable.

12:48 PM  
Blogger rabidr said...

I too spent five and a half hours of agony in Northside's E.R. I have a narrowing in my esophogus,I was eating lunch and a piece of food became stuck. I drove myself to Northside (next time I will call 911) which was the closest hospital to me. I was in a lot of pain and was having trouble breathing. I went in to the E.R. and was told to sign in and have a seat, which I did. My gag refelex was in overdrive and I had to repeatedly run to the restroom to try and throw up the object. After about twenty minutes they finally took me into triage where I told the nurse my problem and twice had to ask for a trash can to gag into. She took my vital signs and told me to return to the waiting room where I proceeded to stay for five more hours, at times going to the window and begging them to see me. By the way, my wife was an employee of the Northside at the time which did not seem to make any difference to them. After being repeatedly told that there were (more serious) cases ahead of me, I told them I was checking out and going to Bayfront. They told me that if I left on my own, the insurance would not cover any treatment! I told her I have not recieved any treatment that's why I'm leaving! I drove to Bayfront where they took one look at me and took me right into a trauma bay and began treating me right away. A month later I recieved a bill from Northside for triage services. I sent a letter to the director of the emergency department describing the above along with a copy of the bill and a refusal to pay it. I never heard from them again and if I am back in St. Pete will never step foot in that place.

12:08 PM  

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