Northside Hospital FL problems

Where failure to care has the potential to maim--and more.

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Location: Tampa Bay, Florida, United States

I am a freelance writer with a BA in Mass Communications from the University of South Florida St. Petersburg. Please check out my production site: and e-portfolio at A few of my favorite quotes are: "...Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable" (Finley Peter Dunne); "Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living" (Mother Jones); "The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing" (Albert Einstein). Some things inspire me: people who strive to make a positive difference; sunrise or sunset--especially at the beach. Some things that make me angry: those who can't be bothered to do what's right; the fact that the medical and legal system frequently looks at people's finances before deciding whether or not that person should have access to their services...I could go on...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Three years and counting...But not down for the count

I have been in a funk for the better part of the week: I haven't slept as well as I usually do (which really hasn't been great of late, but now it's more disrupted), I've felt somewhat unmotivated, I'm having trouble concentrating. But I know what's happening: today is the third anniversary of when P__ went into the hospital. Saturday, the 24th, will be the third anniversary of his death.

Last year, I met someone who had lost her husband. Not in that hospital, mind you, but she did mention that while it had been several years since she'd lost her husband, she still found herself withdrawing a little at the anniversary time. (She also said that she started dating about two years after her husband died.) I'm not sure how long it had been that she'd been widowed, except that it was only a few years longer than I've been there.

In some ways, I envy her. She has gotten on with her life. But I feel like my life is in a holding pattern. Why? Because of the lawsuit.

Do I regret bringing on the lawsuit? No. I'd file it again in a heart beat if the circumstances re-presented themselves. What I am angry about is why I had to file: because of blatent disregard for human life by those in the medical field. If others--enough others--had fought when their loved ones had been harmed at this particular facility, then maybe P__ would still be alive.

Which is why, after three years, I'm still fighting, so that others might have a fighting chance.

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Sunday, October 04, 2009

Slowly moving along

For those who have wondered about what is up with this blog, this punchline is this: the lawsuit against N.side is slowly moving forward.

The weird thing is that since P__ died--in fact, since before his death--I've run into numberous people with their own horror stories. (Note: This month, will be the third anniversary of his death.) Between those who have posted here on the blog, those who have contacted me through channels and those I've spoken to in person, we're talking anywhere between 50-100 people, easily. One person said that she had nothing bad to say about the place, that she'd go there again. The rest have had mostly horror stories, frequently ending with, "Is it any wonder they're so close to that cemetary?"

I realize that hospitals, like most businesses and people, have detractors, as well as those who speak in glowing terms of the place. But even if it were a mere 50 I had had contact with, one person who says that the hospital is good to go with 49 detractors is still only a 2% approval rate. Not good.

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